The motorcycle operator attempted to avoid the truck by swerving left but contacted the left rear of the truck. This crash involved a motorcyclist operating a KTM adventure motorcycle traversing a series of curves on a winding mountain road before coming upon a vehicle stopped in the road preparing to turn left. This current case study simply illustrates the use of the model for reconstructing a real-world crash where non-limit cornering preceded a collision. A later post will explore how this model functions at the friction limits (i.e., can it be used to successfully simulate a motorcycle experiencing a low-side or high-side fall). With the single-track vehicle driver model, the model will generate the necessary steering inputs and lean for the motorcycle to follow a curved path while remaining upright and stable.
In the past, a two-wheeled vehicle in PC-Crash would simply fall over - it had no stability. Recently, PC-Crash simulation software incorporated a single-track vehicle driver model for simulating motorcycle motion.